416 children received OFF TO SCHOOL SMILING KITS in 2023
Do I Qualify?
To qualify for our Off to School Smiling program you must:
Be registered with Stratford House of Blessing
Be within our food bank area
Have one or more children in JK to grade 12
Have full or shared custody of your children

Want to help? we are always looking for donations
What can I donate?
We Need New:
Backpacks for all ages (especially for grades 7-12)
Pencil cases
Scientific Calculators
Pencil Crayons, markers, and crayons
Math sets
Children's round tip scissors
Pencil sharpeners
Packages of lined paper and spiral notebooks
Pens and pencils
How to Donate
We are accepting donations every Monday to Friday from
8:30AM - 4:30PM.
If you need an alternative time to drop off your donations please call 519-273-3433 to schedule a time.

Thank you to all the businesses, individuals and community groups who donated funds and school supplies to our
Off to School Smiling Program.